Yoni Steam

Yoni Steam

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All Yoni Steams are handcrafted to cater to your vagina. The Yoni Steams are designed to tighten the uterus/vagina, aid in lubricating the vagina, aids in balancing your hormones, and restore the pH balance to keep your Yoni fresh. Yoni Steams also reduces menstrual cramping and heavy menstrual blood flow. The Yoni Steams soothe hair bumps, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, razor cuts, cysts, boils, and tears on the vaginal and anal area.  Yoni Steams are also great for womb trauma and aiding in conceiving. 


How long should I steam? You may steam a minimum of 20 minutes or a maximum of 1 hour. While steaming you should grab your favorite tea or wine, grab favorite journal to script down your manifestations, recite positive affirmations, or read your favorite book. You can even light candles and play soothing music for a more serene setting. Use a nightgown, blanket, or sheet to completely cover yourself while using the Yoni Steam to keep the steam flowing up towards the vagina. Covering yourself also keeps your water warm during your session.

How to use a Yoni Steam? Bring 3 cups of water to a boil for 10 minutes, let the boiled water cool down for 2-5 minutes, transfer the boiled water into Yoni Steam Bowl, and then carefully pour your Yoni Love Steam into the bowl. Use a spoon to mix the herbs into the boiled water and carefully carry your bowl to your toilet.  Use before showering 

 What is womb trauma? Womb trauma can be caused by a Miscarriage, Rape, Abortion, Stress, Fibroid, and Cysts. Our Yoni Steam also aids in gently removing odor caused by Bacteria, Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, and UTI's.

When Should I Steam? You should steam once a week if you are trying to conceive or boost your sex drive. You should steam before your period, after your period, before sex, or after sex. If you are steaming to help your body expel left over scare tissue from a miscarriage or abortion, old menstrual blood, or any impurities it is recommended that you steam once a week. If you suffer from menstrual cramping and heavy bleeding you should steam once a week for three weeks prior to your menstrual cycle. It is also recommended that you steam two days before your next period to ensure a lighter blood flow and less cramping. For some women no period is the same and to ensure the best results it is highly recommended to do three sessions of a Yoni Love Steam prior to your menstrual cycle. If you suffer from chronic Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis, it is recommended to steam twice a week, at least three to four days apart.

How do a Yoni Steam aid in conceiving? The steam softens the uterus making it easier for sperm to travel through. The natural medicine that is released from the healing herbs while steaming heals womb trauma that may be the cause of infertility. The healing herbs also helps the body expel scare tissue from abortions and miscarriages, old menstrual blood, and other impurities that has accumulated over the years.


What happens if I see results before I have used all of my sessions? If you notice improvements with your symptoms before completing all of your sessions stop using your Yoni Love Steams. If you notice your symptoms have reappeared you should continue using your Yoni Love Steams.


Can I steam during my period? No, you cannot steam during your period. Yoni Steaming help she’s uterine lining. Steaming while on your period will result in blood loss. 

Can I steam with an IUD birth control? No, you cannot due to Yoni Steam shedding excess uterine lining. Heavy bleeding may occur if Yoni Steaming while using an IUD 


Why can't I steam while I'm on my period? A period is a time of the month where the body sheds uterine tissue along with other impurities. Since, the body is in self- cleaning mode during your period, you cannot steam during your period. 

 Please be advised that pregnant women are not recommended to use The Yoni Steams. 


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease(s). If irritation or breakout forms, stop the use of the product immediately and contact your primary care physician. Designs and colors may vary, but the ingredients will remain the same.